Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Bad loss

The Red Sox were up 4-3 when I went to bed during the seventh inning. I was hoping to wake up this morning to find that the bullpen held the Astros off and the Red Sox would have a win.

Boy, was I disappointed...

They lost 5-4 and what is worse, the Royals won which means the Red Sox are now 4½ games behind the Royals and the Twins in the wildcard.

They should be closing the gap, not widening it...

Pivetta has the start tonight and the first pitch is at 8:10.

Once again, not a lot going on that I feel the need to spew about.
    Russia is still conducting a "special military" operation in Ukraine.

    Ukraine is still conducting a "suck on this Putin" operation in Russia.

    Rich people are still doing things that get them killed and I personally don't think of it as a tragedy.

    The democrats are treating Kamala "Hey, I like polyester!" Harris like 15 year old girls treat Taylor Swift.

    College kids with little or no knowledge of reality are protesting everything they are being told to protest by people they don't know on social media.
One of these days something will happen that will merit my attention.

Until then, here are some links:

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