Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bad loss last night

They got their ass kicked last night, losing 12-2 to the Diamondbacks.

Today isn't going much better. It is currently the middle of the 7th inning and they are down 4-0.

They really need to start winning at home.

I spent my day continuing my work on the damned VPN machine for the vet clinic.

I thought I had it yesterday but when I fired it up, it failed miserably.

Turns out the vpn software likes to run under a 64bit OS and I had loaded a 32bit OS.

So now it is built and good to go. All I need to do is plug the machine in, make sure it always gets the same network address, add the route to the router and test it out.

Fingers are crossed that everything works as well there as it does here at my house.

Time to make some dinner and then find something to entertain myself. Maybe there is some golf on or something.

While I do that, you can see if these links entertain you:

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