Friday, August 9, 2024

The Patriots played pretty well

When a new coach and two new quarterbacks join a team, it usually means things don't always go well but last night the Patriots under Mayo played some pretty damned good football.

The passes looked good and I was pleasantly surprised by the running game.

Yes, they have some things to work out but my hopes are high for a decent season.

Hay! Guess who's under a tornado watch!
We lost power two nights ago at midnight but we didn't know it until 5:30 in the morning when we woke up. I fired up the generator and ran it for an hour before the power came back on.

If the same thing happens again tonight, I'm not going to complain. What I will complain about is if we have another one of those multi-day outages. I only have about 8 gallons of gasoline which will last me about two days if I use it wisely.

Donald "Help, I'm talking and I can't shut up!" Trump posted a message on his truth thingee that basically said criminals were all for for Kamala "Snort" Harris.

It took less than an hour for someone to turn that accusation into a plus for the Harris campaign.

I gotta admit, this might just become an interesting presidential election...

The Red Sox are taking on the Astros and it looks like Houck will be the starter.

Hopefully he has a better outing than he did against the Rangers last Saturday.

I'm also hoping they can keep on avoiding making errors. When they make errors, they lose.

Enjoy these links:

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