Monday, August 19, 2024

I don't like 8:00pm starts

I suspect that I will not see the entire game tonight simply because the first pitch is at 8:10.

If they go 3 hours, that means my normal bed time will probably happen around the 7th inning.

So at 9:30 last Saturday night, some idiot turned his headlights off and went tooling down Boston Rd at a high rate of speed. Predictably, some poor girl who did not see the idiot with his headlights off, pulled out of one of the numerous businesses on that road and the idiot clipped her car.

This minor accident would have ended right there if the idiot wasn't traveling at a high rate of speed. Instead, the idiot veered off the road, hit a fire hydrant and then went airborne.

He ended up like this:

He also ended up in the hospital as well as on the national news.


Time to flip some burgers and then to see what mischief I can get into before settling in to watch baseball.

Enjoy these links:

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