Tuesday, April 5, 2016

They are undefeated

The Red Sox defeated the Indians today 6-2 and that means they are currently undefeated.

We'll see how long that lasts now that Farrell has been given enough rope to hang himself.

He was told that he is to put the best players on the field and not worry about salaries. In other words, he was told he didn't have to play Sandoval just because he had a huge contract.

If he fails again this year having been given complete control over who plays, it'll be a sign that he isn't a good manager. Two last place seasons are hanging over his head like Damocles sword, waiting to fall and cut him off.


Flying was great. We spent an hour and a half doing slow stall recoveries, take off stall recoveries, slow spiral descents and rapid straightline ascents. The wind, once again, made it interesting as hell and my instructor said he can't wait to see how I do with a nice calm day.

Too be honest with you, I can't wait for a nice calm day either.


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