Tuesday, June 20, 2017

First place for less than a day...

The Red Sox managed to lose last nights game to the Royals and are now once again in second place.

I guess we'll see what this evening's games bring. Maybe the Yankees will lose again and maybe the Red Sox will win.

As for me, I'm busy getting ready to return to the working world.

The job I'll be doing doesn't exist at the college yet and not only do I have to define the role, I also have to design the processes and then develop a plan to implement those processes.

I'd like to hit the ground running so I've been working on my design. The plan will have to wait until I am actually in place and have a good handle on the current state of affairs.

It's hard to plan when you don't know the parts.

It feels good to once again use the skill-set I've refined over 30 years and I'm looking forward to being productive again.

The humidity has finally broken and I have turned the AC off. This is a good thing because there is a problem with air conditioning when you have dogs....

When the windows are closed, the dog farts linger for longer and the fan from the AC blows the smell into other rooms so there is no escaping it.

Because there are two dogs in this house, I really needed to open some windows....

While I watch baseball and enjoy my open windows, you can visit these links:

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