Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Stop it.

Some people blame the Democrats. Some people blame the Republicans. I blame all of you that are posting a constant stream of vile on Facebook and Twitter.

I don't care what your particular vile is directed at, it's still vile and you should stop doing that.

Stop telling everyone that this one is evil and that one is corrupt.

Stop telling everyone that "these people are stupid" and "those people are idiots".

Stop calling people deplorable, snowflake, racist, nazi or "social justice warrior".

Trust me, the Russians didn't rig the election, the email server was just a crappy computer, Benghazi was an act committed by terrorists and Trump is no more sexist than every other president before him.

The guy that decided to attack the Republican Congressional baseball practice this morning was a nutcase who got himself all riled up by all those postings on Facebook and if you think he's unique, think again. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, more just like him out there who are reading what people are posting, nodding their heads in agreement and planning to "show them what for and give it to them good!"

ABC, NBC and CNN are blaming guns, Fox is blaming all those alleged liberal mouthpieces and since no one really watches CBS, I don't know who or what they are blaming.

As for me, I'm blaming all of them for their constant partisan rhetoric as well as their tendency to skew the truth to fit their particular agenda. I'm also blaming everyone on social media that riles up those nutcases.

Stop it. Those people are full-tilt bozos and they do not need any help going over the edge.

I did not watch all twelve innings last night. Hell, I didn't even make to the ninth inning. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep around the seventh or eighth inning.

I was very surprised to learn that the Red Sox won. I figured for sure that they were going to lose that game. Not because of the pitching but because those guys just aren't stepping on home plate enough.

Tonight they are in Philadelphia and Ben Johnson will be pitching.

I hope he can hit as well....

Here are few links you can take a look at if you are so inclined:

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