Friday, June 9, 2017

Many things got done today

Not a lot of time for websurfing because today was my self-appointed "lets get everything done before the heat rolls in" day.

I started my day doing a bunch of small tasks for my mother-in-law.

I put her AC in, fixed a lose piece of siding and then fixed a zipper she had managed to unzip without using the little zipper shuttle thing.

After that, I ran over to Home Depot and picked up a bottle of Cutter Backyard Bug killer and then headed home to spray my backyard.

I use the stuff to keep the tick population to a minimum and it's working pretty well.The backyard is where the dogs hang out and while we give them medication to kill any fleas or ticks that try to dine on them, the little critters still manage to hitch a ride on them and come into the house every once in a great while.

I hate ticks so I try to kill them before they become a problem.

Once the backyard was sufficiently de-bugged, I wrote some of this and looked for some links before I had to take my daughter to the train station so she could go party with her friends in New York.

I believe there is a musical involved in this trip but I also think there is going to be some adult beverages.

What the hell, when I was her age, I was partying like a rock star.

Finally, my wife and I took her mom, the aforementioned mother-in-law, out to dinner for her birthday.

I'd like to say it was a nice relaxing evening but since it involved my mother-in-law, it's never actually "relaxing". Let's just say it was nice and leave it at that.

Now, I'm home and I'm waiting for the Red Sox to start a three game series against the Tigers.

I really hope this series goes better than the one they just put behind them.

While I watch the game, you can surf on these meager links:

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