Thursday, June 1, 2017

We have babies.

The other day I posted a picture of a nest with four eggs that is located in a bush next to our house. The nest is clearly visible from one of our living room windows.

Yesterday I checked and found that there are now babies in the nest.

I'm not entirely sure how many there are. It looks like three but there could be a fourth one buried in the pile.

The Red Sox managed to win again last night. The Orioles also won but that is a good thing because the Orioles beat the Yankees. This means that the Red Sox maintained their lead over the third place Orioles and moved one game closer to the first place Yankees. They are now only two games behind the Yankees.

Tonight the start a four game series against the Orioles while the Yankees head to Canada to start their own four game series against the Blue Jays. I'm hoping the Red Sox win all four games and the Yankees lose all four games.

That would be sweet,

I'm off to get some panini's and then settle in to watch the Red Sox.

While I do that, you can visit these links:

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