Wednesday, July 14, 2021

No baseball tonight

The American League won last nights All Star game.

Tomorrow night, the Red Sox will be in New York City to start a four game series against the Yankees.

After that, they'll go to Buffalo to play a three game series against the Blue Jays.

After that, they'll go back to Boston to play a four game series against the Yankees.

Then, just to change things up, they'll play a four game series against the Blue Jays.

I'm sensing a pattern here...

I'm really hoping they sweep the Yankees again.

So the federal government has decided that it's expensive to raise kids and parents need some help. They are sending parents of children under 17 years old either $250 or $300 a month, depending on the age of the child.

You know what? They're right. It is expensive to raise kids. Very expensive. I know how expensive it is because we raised three of them.

Here's a thought I had:
    $250 per month comes to $3,000 per year.

    $3,000 per year over 17 years comes to $51,000 per child.

    Having 3 children would result in $153,000.
Where is my $153,000 for raising those three children to adulthood?

I guess I'll have to settle for the possibility of free eye exams, free hearing exams and free dental checkups.

Dinner was good and now I'm trying to figure out what to do to entertain myself this evening.

Maybe I'll work on my video system. Maybe I'll just fall asleep early.

Here are some links that you can click on if you want:

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