Thursday, February 9, 2023

I have a clean workshop

I know it doesn't really look like it but this picture represents three hours and two trash bags of cleaning my basement work area:
Yes, I'm a packrat (bordering on hoarder) and I have a lot of crap but I'm pleased to say that as of this morning, I have less crap.

I started out with the drawers. I emptied them out, looked at the contents and asked myself three simple questions: "Have you touched this in the last 10 years? Will you need it in the next year? Is it expensive or can a replaced for a few dollars?"

Using those three questions, I was able to throw away stuff that I either hadn't seen in the last 10 years, probably would never use and if I needed one, I could buy it for less than $5.00.

That worked out to be two trash bags of old light switches, cabinet knobs, screws, nails, etc...

Suffice to say, The Professor is happy because she doesn't like clutter.

Next up will be the cabinets. You can see one of them in the left side of the picture. There is another one next to it.

Those cabinets contain more shit that I will probably never use. This includes crap like old software disks, motherboards, hard drives and cables as well as broken tools, hardened paint brushes, shelf brackets, etc...

That's going to be an additional two or three trash bags so I'll wait until next week. I don't want to overflow the trash barrel.

Still no hockey but I still have an ample supply of DVRs.

While I watch those, you can check these out:

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