Sunday, February 19, 2023

Quiet day

The Bruins trashed the Islanders 6-2 yesterday and I watched the whole game.

I am amazed that after 55 games in an 82 game season, they are still above .800 (.809 actually). That is a hell of a season so far.

Jimmy Carter is 98 years old and has entered hospice. This means everybody that wasn't alive during his presidency is saying what a great president he was.

I'm here to tell you that he wasn't a great president. Hell, he wasn't even a mediocre president.

The media vilified him at every turn and the public grew to despise him. He won the election because he was running against a president who had never been elected (Gerry Ford) and to be honest with you, he didn't win by much. The popular vote was something like 48% for Ford and 50% for Carter.

Once he got into office, the people began to dislike his policies. They really turned on him when he pardoned all the draft dodgers which was a slap in the face to all the men who served and to all the people who lost loved ones during that god-awful war. Then he decimated the military, cutting the pay of enlisted men, slashing base housing and basically turning them all into indentured servents. On top of that, he gave a weekly lecture to the American public where he made us all feel like he was talking down to us. He tried being "folksy" but it came across as snotty.

He was an arrogant little shit of a president who did nothing to help us. He made us look bad to our allies and weak to our enemies.

He lost his reelection to an actor whose presidential campaign slogan was basically, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"

No one was better off in 1980 than they were in 1976 and we all blamed Carter.

I wish him a peaceful and easy death. He was a good human being who did a lot of good things after his term in office but please don't deify him. He wasn't the saint of a president you all seem to remember him as.

I'm out of DVRs so it's bad television for me tonight. Is America's Funniest Video's still on?

Here are todays links:

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