Monday, July 29, 2024

And another crappy loss

The Yankees took two games of the three-game series from the Red Sox then they beat them last night 8-2.

They ended at least 4 innings with runners on second or third. They just couldn't get a hit to move those guys along.

I do have to admit to liking the new guy, Danny Jansen. The guy plays hard and isn't afraid to steal a base or two.

Tonight they start a three-game series against the Mariners. First pitch is at 7:10 and Pivetta has the start.

I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories.

I don't believe there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll, I believe that man landed on the moon and I am positive that Biden won the 2020 election but if someone were to suggest that maybe the Secret Service were involved in a plot to allow a former president of the United States to be assassinated, I might lend some credance to that postulation.

Either that or the Secret Service is staffed by incompetent morons.

Here is what I know:
  • The kid, Crooks, was able to get a scoped rifle on to the roof of a building that was about 170 yards from where Trump was standing.

  • He was able to manuever himself and that rifle to a slightly elevated position that afforded not only a good prone shooters position but a fantastic bench rest for his rifle. It was the perfect sniper location.

  • He was able to get off 8 rounds, one of which came within a an inch of Trump's tiny little brain.

At a distance of 170 yards, I can easily hit a half gallon plastic milk jug which is smaller than a human head. It's not that hard to do.

Since me, an old man who has lost the ability to remain motionless, can hit a 4 inch wide milk jug at 170 yards, it's a pretty good bet there are a lot of other people who can do it as well. Why was no one stationed on that roof prior to the start of the event? As a matter of fact, why was no one on any of the roof tops in the general area?

Seems pretty convenient that those rooftops were vacant. All they had to do was station local law enforcement on each rooftop within 300 yards of the venue. Just one cop on each roof would have prevented anyone from climbing up to an elevated shooting position. Simple as that.

Back to the Red Sox...

They traded Nick Yorke, an infielder who was their #1 pick a few years ago, to the Pirates for a pitcher named Quinn Priester.

Not sure about Priester but I do know that Yorke got the better end of the deal. He was going to be trapped in Worcester for years because the Red Sox have a lot of very good infielders.

As I may have mentioned before, I hope Breslow has a plan...

Here are some links:

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