Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Duran is the MVP

I watched most of the All Star game last night because I wanted to see how the two Red Sox players did.

Houck came in to start the third inning and he gave up three runs when Ohtani hit a home run. If you look at it as a real baseball game, that would be bad but since the game doesn't count for anything, it wasn't bad. As a matter of fact, it was good because on Friday, the Red Sox are back to playing games that count and their first opponent will be Othani and the Dodgers.

No sense giving your opponent a preview of your good stuff...

Later on, Duran came in to replace Judge in center field. When he got up to bat, he launched a two run homer that gave the AL a 5-3 lead over the NL.

The game ended with the AL winning 5-3 and Duran being named the MVP of the game.

I would like it to rain so I don't have to water my lawn.

We've had a little rain but for the most part, the heavy stuff has slid north of us. That means my underloved lawn is turning brown from a over abundance of sun and a lack of water.

If it doesn't rain this evening, I'll be watering it tonight.

The problem is that I can pretty much guarantee you that if I water it at 7:30 / 8:00 tonight, by 10:00 it will be raining so hard that we'll all be thinking the idiot that built the replica of Noah's ark is a freakin' genius

I got some mail from the state today asking me if I wanted to vote by mail.

Now normally I would simply throw something like that away but I opened it saw something that gave me pause...

I circled the offending line in red and if you read that line, you will see it's highly likely that someone could take that request, put their address on it and request my ballot be sent to them. Then they could vote as me while still going to the polls and voting as themselves.

I'm not sure I want to vote. I'm still thinking about things but I am sure that I don't want anyone else voting for me.

Into the shredder it went. And if you are the recipient of one of these things, don't just toss it. Either fill it out and vote by mail or shred it.

The All Guy Fieri channel appears to be runnings a Guys Grocery Games marathon.

Here are some links you can visit while I watch a bunch of wanna-be tv personalities try to cook a meal using items they found only in aisles 1, 3 and 7:

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