Monday, July 8, 2024

More hot and sticky

The weather dweebs have once again told us that it's summer in New England and that means it's hot and humid.

In six months, they'll be reminding us that it's winter in New England and they'll be issuing those "It's gonna snow!" warnings.

The Red Sox beat the Yankees 3-0 last night, taking two of the three games in this series.

Crawford threw a hell of a game. He faced 23 batters over seven innings, striking out four while walking zero. He gave up four hits and zero runs.

While Crawford was doing his thing, Devers and Rafaela did theirs. Devers hit two home runs and Rafaela hit one home run.

Meanwhile, the clowns from ESPN (the game was not on NESN) kept saying things like, "Judge is up next so the Yankees have a chance!" or "Soto is up next so the Yankees have a chance!" or "The Yankees pitchers are doing great so the Yankees have a chance!"

They are the biggest group of "Yankee homers" and no one can stand listening to them blather on about the Yankees. I would rather listen to YES network coverage of a game than listen to the ESPN clowns. Unlike the ESPN clowns, the YES guys don't perform oral sex on Judge during the broadcast.

They are off today while they head back to Boston. Tomorrow they start a three game series against the Athletics.

In todays episode of "I Get The Best SPAM!", we have a scammer that is building a botnet and want's me to particiapte...

In the above screen capture of an email from "FED3X", you will see that I hovered over one of the links and it revealed itself to be a .JAR file. I expanded the hover box so you can read it better.

A .JAR file is a java repository that contains executable java code. That code could be anything but it's more than likely a small, simple bit of code that downloads a much more complex bit of code that gives control of my computer to what is known as a botnet. That is a network of compromised computers that can be used to do the bidding of whoever controls them. Maybe they will be turned into bitcoin miners, maybe they will become spam generators, maybe they will be used to overwhelm and shut down some government or corporate computer system.

Who knows what they will do but whatever it is, they won't be doing it with my machine.

Do yourself, and everyone else, a favor and look carefully at every email you receive. Do not click on links, including the "unsubscribe" link. Under no circumstance should you ever reply to those emails.

Do what I do: Mark them as spam/junk and go about your day without a care in the world.

I'm going to find some bad television to entertain me this evening.

While I do that, you can visit these links:

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