Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Yes, I've been busy

Dinner with my brothers and sisters, working around the yard, lunch with friends, watching baseball, etc...

All of those things are a priority for me so this treatise took a back seat for the last few days.

On the other hand, ignoring the news for the last few days has been nice.

Oh, and I make no promises for the remainder of this week because once again, there are things to do.

Turns out Richard Nixon is an innocent man and it was perfectly legal for him to hire those guys to break into the Democrat Party headquaters at the Watergate or to bug the offices of his opponents.

I say this because the Supreme Court of the United States recently said that, "Congress may not criminalize the President's conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution". That means that when the president is in office and he is acting like a president, his activities cannot be criminalized and he has immunity for prosecution.

It effectively means that the president, acting as commander and chief, can order the military to hunt down and execute someone without any fear of prosecution.

It makes the president a dictator.

I wonder if it also means that it would be perfectly legal for Goofy Joe to issue an order to hunt down and execute Trump...

Speaking of Goofy Joe, the democrats have begun to call for him to step down and let someone else run who stands a chance of beating Trump.

While I'm sure that idea sounds good to some members of the democrat party, I'd like to remind them that the democrats suck at picking presidential candidates. Who are they going to pick? Can anyone name one member of the democrat party that would make a good president and could possibly win the election?

Trust me, they can't.

This is the party that put the nutcase Hillary Rodham up against Trump. The party that put Al "Mr Excitement" Gore up against Bush.

Sure, they had some success with Obama but in my opinion, Obama is the primary reason we had Trump - people felt like Obama didn't care about them one bit. All he cared about was telling us bullshit like, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" or sending a bunch of guns to the Mexican cartels so they could become more powerful than the Mexican government.

This is already a shitshow and it's going to get worse.

Here are some links:

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