Friday, July 5, 2024

It's muggy

Stepping outside is like stepping into a soup. And not a good soup like clam chowder or chicken noodle. It's more like one of those weird Chinese soups like Birds Nest Soup or maybe Liver Soup.

In other words, it sucked.

Fortunately, I have air conditioners installed in various rooms and they are working to keep the muggy shit out of my house.

Let's look at the spam that scammers are sending me, shall we.

No, my prime membership is not up for renewal and if it was, I would go to the amazon website and take care of it, I would not open some sketchy zip file.

I have no idea what this email wants me to renew...
...but they sure are insistent about it.
Three copies of the exact same email within a half hour is kinda pushy.

Heads up Joe, it's not just the debate that you have to recover from.

It's the shaky steps you take walking from the helicopter to the White House.

It's the constant forgetfulness you display when giving a well-rehearsed speech while reading from the notes your staff has given you.

It's the fact that you look like Jeff Dunham's cranky dummy Walter

I get it, you don't think you're not old but you are.

Hell, I'm old and I at least know it. I know I can't remember shit without the help of my cell phone calendar, that damned Alexa thing or my wife, who likes to remind of stuff all the time. I also know my legs don't work like they used to so I don't try to pretend they do.

I have a bad feeling about things if Goofy Joe wins. Bad in the sense that Harris will probably become president and I don't trust her one bit. No sir, not at all.

For the record, the Red Sox are back in the Wild Card and the Yankees are collapsing like a house of cards.

We are fast approaching the All Star break which is when teams with "veteran players" fall apart. I'm hoping that teams with youngsters like the Red Sox have the stamina to keep playing hard right up until the last game of the season.

You would think that since I haven't been posting very much lately, I would have a lot of links.

You would be wrong.

Here are the few I have.

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