Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Let's try again

Apparently something I posted in todays update is considered "sensitive".

I have removed the caption I put in for the picture of Trump. Let's see if that was the "sensitive" item...

Not as hot as yesterday but it was certainly more muggy.

The folks across the street from us are having their house sided and after watching those guys work for the last few days, I can honestly say that I am glad I chose a career that involved sitting in an air conditioned office...

I can't imagine what it must be like to climb ladders and swing hammers in this kind of heat & humidity.

On the other hand, I found this and thought it was funny.

The Red Sox won last night, beating the Athletics 12-9. The Yankees lost and the Orioles lost. This means the Red Sox are now only 3½ games behind the Yankees and 6½ behind the Orioles.

It also means the Red Sox are now 2 games ahead of the Royals and only 1½ behind the Twins in the wild card.

The Red Sox and Athletics are at it again this evening with first pitch at 7:10. Pivetta has the start.

One other baseball thing:

While I was checking the standings, I noticed this:

So far this season, the Mets have won 45 games and they have lost 45 games.

Over their last 10 games, they have won 5 and lost 5.

Over those 90 games this season, they have scroed 433 runs and they have been scored against 433 times.

If you ever wanted an OCD collection of statistics, there it is.

I said something bad about this picture. It involved Trump doing something that contained the initials "b" and "j" to the invisible man...

Time to clean out the fridge and enjoy all the leftovers we've accumulated this week.

While I watch baseball, you can enjoy these:

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