Sunday, July 21, 2024

Busy day.

It took 11 innings but the Dodgers beat the Red Sox last night, beating them 6-7.

That loss, a Royals win, pushed the Red Sox out of the wild card. That means they really need to win tonight. If they can win, they will be tied with the Royals.

We spent our day doing touristy stuff by wandering around Old Sturbridge Village.

I love history so that make OSV my kind of place. And since it wasn't 100° outside, we didn't die of heat stroke.

After that was an early dinner and then home to discover...

...that Goofy Joe decided to call it quits.

He dropped out of the race today and threw his support (and endorsement) over to his VP Kamala Harris.

I'm pretty sure Harris doesn't stand any better chance than Biden did but at least she doesn't sound like she's having a stroke every time she opens her mouth.

Enjoy these links:

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