Tuesday, July 16, 2024

No more cape league baseball for me

The announcers for the Cape League game spent the entire game telling me all about their lives and all the people they met while climbing the work ladder in the exciting world of sports journalism.

I turned the game off in the fifth inning because I couldn't listen to the blather any longer.

I turned on the Home Run Derby and within 10 minutes, I turned it off. Like I said yesterday, it's boring as hell.

In other words, it was not a good night for baseball.

Saturday can't come soon enough...

Speaking of baseball, some woman named Ingrid Andress, who I've never heard of, was chosen to sing the National Anthem at last night's Home Run Derby. Apparently she sang so poorly that she blew up the internet.

All of the social media types were ranting and raving about how bad she sounded.

Well, she released this statement today:

Good luck to you young lady. The first step in getting help is asking for help.

Here are some links:

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