Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back at work.

I managed to get myself moving this morning in time to get back to work after a nice five-day weekend. On my way home, I bought a MegaMillions ticket because, hey, for a chance at $69,000,000.00, I'll spend a buck or two.

You know those people that hit the lottery and then say, "I'm going to keep working!" Well, I'm not one of those people. If I hit the lottery, I will gladly retire and give my job to a youngster who needs a job.

It's the least I can do for my fellow man.


Can someone tell me why Syria is our problem?

Why are we getting involved over there? Is it because we think someone used a chemical to kill people instead of bullets and bombs? Is that why we are getting involved? Are we now saying it's okay to kill people one way but not another?

What makes the United States responsible for protecting those people from themselves?

And I would like to point out that "limited scope strikes" never work. Either target the leadership (government and military) with a massive assault or don't do anything at all. Limiting the scope of the attack simply leaves everyone with a pissed off dictator who thinks he now needs to prove his manliness.

Either stay out of it or go big. And "stay out of it" seems to be the better option.


You can click on these links. Or not. It's your choice:

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