Thursday, August 22, 2013

I am not working.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I need to take some time off because I've got quite a bit left and if I don't use it by the end of the year, I lose it. And trust me, there is no way I want to lose it.

So I took today, tomorrow and Monday off. That gives me a nice five day weekend.

I think every weekend should be a five day weekend but I'm not in charge so I guess that isn't going to happen.


The Red Sox managed to step back into first place yesterday when they beat the Giants and the Rays lost to the Orioles. That gave the Red Sox a one game lead in the AL East and are currently in a three-way tie in the American League.

They need to keep winning. There are only 33 games left in their season and some of those games are gonna be tough. Other than two games against the Rockies in late September, they are playing the league leaders. As a matter of fact, 9 games are against the Orioles and 7 games are against the Yankees.

They need to keep winning if they want to make the playoffs.


You can try out these links if you  would like:

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