Thursday, August 15, 2013

Maybe it was a superficial suicide.

The key phrase in this story is: "...a correctional officer told him that Alemany's wounds from the suicide attempt were superficial."

I have one question for his attorney: Who, exactly, is saying. "Alemany has a long history of serious mental illness"?

If Alemany's attorney, John Denner, is the one saying that he has a long history of mental illness, I would like to see his doctorate degree. You know the degree I'm talking about. The degree that proves Mr. Denner has the education to determine if someone has a mental illness.

If Mr. Denner doesn't have a degree that proves he is capable of determining if someone has a mental illness then he should either shut up or provide the prove because as far as I know, the only one who thinks Edwin Alemany has a long history of mental illness is John Denner.

As for Alemany's suicide attempts, the first one was him trying to pull his stitches out of his hand and the second one was him scratching his neck. Neither one of those constitutes a suicide attempt.

A suicide attempt would be if Alemany ran as fast as he could face-first into a brick wall. Then, after that failed, he could stand on the bed and jump as high as he could and dive face-first into the floor. And after those two attemtps failed, he could find a fellow prisoner named Bubba, call him sweetie, kiss him full on the lips and ask him if he liked being on the bottom...

Those would be suicide attempts.

What Alemany did, are, at best, a ruse designed to convince everyone that he isn't responsible for his actions.

Edwin Alemany is a clever and intelligent piece of shit who is looking to avoid a lifetime stint at MCI-Walpole (Or, as our happy, fluffy, hippy society likes to call it, "Cedar Junction") by acting the part of someone with a mental illness. His attorney is looking for someone other than Alemany to blame for this and he is trying to convince us that Amy's murder is the result of a failure of the state to properly treat Edwin Alemany's alleged mental illness.

It's one thing to provide someone with their sixth amendment right "to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence" but it's an entirely different thing when that defense consists of lies and half-truths.

Someone needs to make sure Mr. Denner answers for his lies.


The Red Sox lost last night. Despite my sage wisdom giving them the ability to tie the game in the ninth inning, it wasn't enough to compel them to win the game in the tenth inning.

They should not be losing to the Blue Jays. They should be winning.

I hope this is not the start of a delayed post-all-star collapse...


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