Saturday, August 17, 2013

Everyone is alive and well.

Our offspring are all safe and sound.

They all survived their two-week stint in the mountains of New Mexico where apparently there are elk and rattlesnakes and such. Fortunately for us, they didn't bring home any elk or rattlesnakes, just lot's of dirty clothes and New Mexico dirt.


The Red Sox lost to the Yankees last night but they won today. This means they are still in first place.

They are experiencing some issues of late with leaving men on base and not stepping on home plate enough. Hopefully they have overcome that minor slump and they will continue winning.

Still, like I said, it's been a hell of a season for the Red Sox and I'm hoping to see them playing in October. Hell, I'm hoping to see them playing in the World Series. As a matter of fact, my ideal World Series match-up would be the Red Sox playing the Pirates.

That would be a great series to watch.


Enjoy these links:

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