Friday, August 16, 2013

When will we start minding our own business.

Key phrase in this story: "...participating in democratic elections was strictly for suckers."

To a certain degree, he is correct. The people of Egypt, at the urging of the United States, conducted a democratic election. They elected a President and put him into power.

After a year, he started to make some changes that riled a few people and before we knew it, they arrested him and tossed him in jail.

There are a lot of people that don't like President Obama and I'm sure that if they could, they would love to arrest him and throw him in jail but the bottom line in all of this is that he was elected President and we are all obligated to stand by him.

In the middle-east, that isn't true and this is far from the first time that a duly-elected leader has been overthrown.

Maybe we should just stay the hell out of middle-eastern politics. We may not like the religious form of government they seem to like but it seems to me that whenever we get involved, in even the smallest way, it all goes to hell pretty quickly and they inevitably end up blaming us.

We need to learn to shut our pie-holes and let people do what they want to do. We should never have involved ourselves in the so-called "arab spring". As a matter of fact, I predicted back when this all first started that things wouldn't go well for anyone once they started overthrowing their dictators.

Those people need dictators like Ghaddafi or Khadafi or Qadafi or whatever... It's the only kind of government they understand.


I'm going to scream at my television while watching the Red Sox.


While I do that, you can visit these links if you are so inclined:

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