Monday, August 12, 2013

Once again, the Perseids are a bust for me.

I went outside at 2:00 this morning to see if I could spot any Persieds flashing across the sky. Unfortunately for me, the clouds had other ideas.

This is the fourth or fifth year that the sky above my house has been cloud covered when I go outside to look for the meteorites. I just can't catch a break on those things.

Back in 1987, I was working nights at WNEC (No, I can't bring myself to call it WNEU. My degree says WNEC and that's what it will always be.) and I was treated to a full 5 or 6 hours of one of the best showers the Perseids have put on in a long time. They were flashing across the sky every few seconds and every few minutes there was a popper that ended with a bright flash.

I guess it just goes to show that you can't relive your glory days...


Try as he might, Whitey Bulger just couldn't overtake Albert DeSalvo and his 13 murders.

Whitey was found guilty on 11 murders, making him Massachusetts second most prolific serial killer.

Unless of course you believe he was guilty of all the murders. In that case, he is Massachusetts most prolific serial killer with a total of 19 murders.


Try these links:

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