Saturday, August 3, 2013

Man, I'm still tired.

After driving my children around at 3:00 in the morning the other morning, I'm still in a zombie-like state of mind. I need a nap.

Then again, I need a nap every day.


I stopped and talked to my neighbors this afternoon. They had just returned from a trip out to Boston to retrieve their daughters belongings. It's the saddest thing imaginable but they are strong people with a strong family.

I asked how Amy's roommates were doing and Cindy told me that the landlord had hired a mover and moved them all to another apartment at his expense. The landlord had also provided Cindy and Dennis with everything they needed to move Amy's belongings.

That's a hell of a nice landlord.


Jake Peavey is making his first appearance as a Red Sox this evening and I'm hoping things go as well as I think they will.

The guy knows how to throw a baseball.


I found this picture today and it made me laugh.

You gotta love dogs.


Here are a couple of links for you to enjoy:

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