Thursday, April 27, 2017

Not good flying weather

I remember last year at this time my instructor was always calling and postponing our flying lesson because of crappy weather and this year isn't much better. Every time I plan on flying, the weather has different plans and I end up not flying.

But I do remember that in the month of May, things got much better and I was able to pretty much fly whenever I had the time. I'm hoping that's going to be the case again this year because May is right around the corner and I'd like to fly.

Well, the Red Sox managed to lose to the Yankees last night despite a decent showing from Procello. Once again, it's the bats that are failing them. Hell, they didn't get their first run until the ninth inning.

Hopefully they play better tonight.

Here are some hyperlinks that will cause your browser to send the Uniform Resource Locator over port 80 to a server that will return data via the HTTP protocol to your browser for display.

Who knows, you might enjoy it:

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