Friday, April 14, 2017

Too nice of a day to spend it indoors

This morning was grocery shopping for the upcoming Easter festivities. After that I sanded, stained and polyurethaned my window sills. Once that was done, I decided it was time to see if I could do something about my drought-destroyed lawn.

I raked up some of the dead spots (No, I'm not doing it all at once. I'm old and frail and that's hard work), spread some grass seed and then watered it good. I also filled in a low spot in the front yard where a tree used to be and ground had settled.

I gotta tell you, for the last 26 years, I have been dumping my grass clipping and leaves into a gully in my back woods. Today I scrapped off the top layer of leaves and found the most beautiful soil I've ever seen. It was a deep rich color and loaded with earthworms. That's what I used to fill in the low spot. It was the kind of dirt you would pay $10.00 a bag for at Home Depot.

Hopefully the seed takes and I will once again have a lawn. I'm also hoping we don't have another drought because that would make this all for naught.

You know what's going to suck? If President Trump manages to get us into a shooting war with North Korea. That's what is going to suck.

The man has been in office for all of 3 months and he's already got me thinking we're gonna end up in another quagmire over in South East Asia.

Haven't we done this already? Like two or three times? Once with Korea, then with Vietnam and then we went a few rounds with Cambodia in a clandestine manner.

I'm not saying Krazy Kim doesn't deserve a swift kick in the ass but please don't get us into a war with that nutcase. I feel bad for his people and the way they are suffering but I can't help but think that any escalating conflict over there will drag China and maybe Japan into it. Those people hate each other more than the Palestinians hate the Israelis and if they go at, it's gonna end poorly for all concerned.

Take a deep breath Donald and get off twitter for a few weeks.

How long before the United Continental Holdings Board of Directors decides it needs find a scapegoat for what happened and it fires the CEO?

I'm betting that there will be an announcement in the next few days that the BoD decided they needed someone in charge who could "right the ship" and make sure the customers are the number one priority at United.

Of course, Munoz will be given a multi-million dollar severance package and thanked for his years of service but that won't matter. What will matter is that people will forget about this disturbing little incident, UAL will once again be raking in mullions of dollars a day, customers will once again be treated like veal calves, herded into cramped little seats and the Contract of Carriage will continue to be the law of the skies.

The Red Sox are playing the Rays and first pitch is at 7:10.

While I watch that, you can click on these:

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