Sunday, May 28, 2017

They needed to win...

The Red Sox managed to lose the final game against the Mariners which is too bad. I was kind of hoping they would move a bit closer to first place today.

Oh well.

Fortunately, the Orioles lost as well so they remain in second place.

They're next game is tomorrow in Chicago against the White Sox.

I got the backyard (or as I like to call it, the dogs latrine) cleaned up & mowed and my wife continued working on her gardens. She and my daughter have been cleaning them out and freshening them up so they look nice.

They discovered a starlings nest in one of the bushes along the side of the house.

If you are not aware, starlings are very loud and proud singers. The male has been singing around our our house for the last few weeks and now it looks like we can expect a clutch of loud and proud babies.

I expect some early morning wake-ups this summer.

I was able to find a few links for you:

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