Monday, September 27, 2021

Not going well

The Red Sox are now one game behind the Yankees and one game ahead of the Blue Jays in the wildcard race.

Everyone is off tonight. Tomorrow, the Blue Jays play the Yankees while the Red Sox will play the Orioles. All I can say is I really hope the Orioles haven't suddenly gotten good because if the Red Sox lose, there is a really good possibility the Blue Jays will bump them out of the wildcard race.

That would be bad.

As much as I hate wearing a mask, I do it because I feel like people that don't wear a mask are telling society to go screw itself. They are saying to people who have medical conditions that their lives don't matter. I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to be the guy who scares the shit out of some kid with asthma or fightens an 85 year old lady.

Having said that, the reason I hate wearing a mask is because my face gets sweaty when it's warm out. Fortunately, fall is upon us and the weather is turning towards cool & dry. That means my face won't be as sweaty.

I hate when my face gets sweaty.

While I watch some Gold Rush, you can look at these:

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