Friday, February 4, 2022

Best possible solution

So the owner of the garage where we get our cars fixed called and made a decent offer on the dead/dying car. I told him it doesn't have plates anymore and he said, "Pfffttt, no big deal. I've got repair plates!"

So tomorrow at some point, he weill gather up his repair plates and come get the car. He informed me that he will be spending his evenings repairing the car and then selling it. I personally think that is the best possible outcome. The car will get new life, someone will buy a reliable car for a good price and he will make a few bucks off his labor.

Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield. In this case, everyone is the windshield. There is no bug.

Speaking of cars, the weather and roads stayed just good enough for us to make the run up to the dealership so my daughter could pick up her shiny new car. The drive home got a bit sporty at a few spots but we beat the icy stuff and made it home just as the freezing crap started coating the roads.

She is a very happy new car owner.

I found this and thought it was pretty funny.

Update on the not-so-top-secret project:
    All is well. The doctors have been very happy with the fact they can finish up their work at home instead of sitting at the clinic until 10:00 at night doing paperwork.

    There is still one glitch and that will be fixed soon.

    The clinic has a very common IP subnet. So common in fact that it is the same as my home subnet and pretty much everyone else on the planet. The problem is you can't route traffic between two networks that have the same IP subnet. The vpn and the routers have no idea where to send the traffic.

    Since their primary vendor has installed a lot of internet-connected gear on their network, changing their subnet would require a lot of work on the vendors part. Instead, I changed my subnet and my daughter has been happily finishing her day from home instead of sitting in the clinic until all hours.

    Now I need to change the other doc's home network. She has been connecting to her cell phone hotspot, starting the vpn and connecting to the clinic. That's gonna burn through a lot of data really fast and it's kinda slow. As soon as the opportunity avails itself, I will change her home subnet and she will enjoy the benefits of a high-speed vpn connection.

This has been your update on the not-so-top-secret project

I'm going to go down into my basement and vacuum up the puddle that formed there this afternoon. Then I'm going to watch some olympic sportings.

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