Saturday, February 19, 2022

No luck

I'm still trying to figure out what relationship the United States has with Ukraine? I can find no mention of a "mutual defense treaty" like we have with the NATO nations. I can't find any "mutual aid agreement" either.

Why are we involved? What makes us the worlds police?

Young American men and women are being sent over there and they will be in harms way. Putin is waving his nukes around like they were world series pennant.

What is Bidens end game in all of this?

I lied yesterday when I said I've about had it with the Olympics.

I ended up watching a women's curling match between Sweden and Great Britain. It was a pretty good match and Great Britain ended up winning.

They will play Japan this evening in the gold medal match.

I'm going to toss some steaks on the grill and make dinner.

While I do that, you can enjoy these links:

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