Sunday, February 27, 2022

Now they want to talk

The media is reporting that someone from Russia wants to meet with someone from Ukraine on the border of Belarus and Ukraine. It should be noted the Belarus is a Russian-controlled state. It's where Russia staged some of its massive military buildup prior to the invasion. The Ukrainians might be crazy but I doubt they'll walk into Belarus, a Russian enclave, to discuss the Russian invasion.

I find it interesting that all of a sudden the Russians want to talk. Did they think the Ukrainians were going to roll over and surrender when the first Russian tanks rolled over the border? Did they think this little war of their was going to last a day or two and then everyone would go about their business while they built a new government in Ukraine?

Add to that the fact that Putin has placed his nuclear forces on high alert and I can't help but wonder if maybe his inner-circle is trying to minimize his involvement and get Russia out of the sticky mess he's put them in.

I also hope that cooler heads have control over the nuclear weapons because if that asshole has access to the launch codes, we're all in a world of hurt.

By the way, not only are the citizens of Ukraine pissed off, they are well-trained. Note the trigger discipline being displayed in this picture

I would not mess with those people.

In case you are interested, my little friend from Russia is still poking my server:

Maybe I'll modify the code to download an executable to him next time he visits. Nothing bad or nasty, just attention-grabbing. Maybe a picture of Putin dressed as a drag queen. I hear that anyone in Russia found with that image on their computer gets a stern talking to by the police.

Not much else to prattle on about so let's just get to the links:

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