Monday, December 5, 2022

Second door is in

I installed the second door at The Vets today and it went way better than the one I installed yesterday.

Yes, I screwed up the install of the closer and had to redo it but other than that, it took me just about an hour to put the door in and have it working nicely.

Next up is filling a gap between her living room floor and the fireplace hearth. Some expanding foam, facing bricks (the thin bricks) and some liquid nails will do the job nicely.

I didn't spend a lot time on the internets today but I did see a story about someone shooting up an electrical substation in North Carolina, putting thousands of people in the dark.

That's some "Russian attack" shit right there is what it is. That's the kind of thing an enemy of a people does. Who the hell does that?

If they ever find out who did it, I'm not going to be surprised if they are wearing a MAGA hat. That is the kind of thing one of Trump's cultists would do.

Nope, no retirement for me.

Time to watch some hockey.

Here are today's links:

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