Saturday, December 3, 2022

They are done

And just like that, the US is out of the World Cup.

My buddy Tommy, who loves soccer and knows more about it than anyone I know, called me asked me to go to his bar at 10:00 this morning to watch the match with him and a bunch of drunks. I told him no. He then got a little pushy and insisted. I told him no. Then I told him I had recently been exposed to someone with covid and I wasn't feeling all that great.

That was when he said, "Oh. Okay. Watch it from your house."

And yes, I watched the end of the match because I happened to flip on my television around 11:30 to see if there was any news worth watching.

As for the covid thing, yes, we were exposed the other day. My wife seems fine and I'm feeling fine but the one thing I remember about covid is it takes a few days to wipe you out. I'm waiting until Monday and I'll take one of those home tests to see if I have it. Until then, I don't really want to go out in public and give anyone that shit.

Speaking of not feeling all that good, I'm still dealing with a lack of sleep. That means not only am I a bit punchy, I'm also a bit cranky.

The Professor has stopped decorating for the day. Here's my view of the world:
She will pick it up again tomorrow

Dinner was baked stuffed sole and it was good. The news is on now and the Bruins are on at 7:00.

While I enjoy that, you can enjoy these:

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