Sunday, March 19, 2023

Birthday celebrations

The Professor succesfull completed another trip around the sun last Thursday and today we went to brunch to celebrate.

Our daughter, our youngest and his fiancé joined us for a nice lunch at Center Square Grill in East Longmeadow.

Afterwards the kids went off to do what they do and we went to our couches where I watched baseball/hockey and she watched her Netflix.

Speaking of baseball and hockey, last night the US beat Venezuela 9-7. This afternoon, the Red Sox beat the Phillies 9-5 and the Bruins beat the Sabres 7-0.

The Red Sox will welcome Justin Turner back on Monday. He's the guy who got hit in the face two weeks ago. I'm hoping he doesn't have a case of the yips everytime a baseball is thrown because he's a good hitter and they need him to perform at the highest level.

The US takes on Cuba this evening at 7:00. Again, my expectations are not high for the US but they proved me wrong last night so obviously I have no idea what's going to happen.

I have a full-blown head cold going on right now and no, it's not covid. I took one of those damned tests and it came back negative. I've had covid two or three times already and it didn't feel this bad.

With covid, I was tired, I had a runny nose and it lasted three days. This thing has been going on for about 1 week now, I have a sinus headache that makes a hangover feel nice and when we went shopping on Friday, we bought six boxes of kleenex so we don't run out.

Oh, and on top of that, I get no sleep because I cough all night long.

On the upside, I discovered that the Sci Channel runs reruns of How The Universe Works and the History Channel runs reruns of The Food That Built America at 2:30 in the morning...

Here are some links that you can click on while I watch baseball and blow my nose:

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