Thursday, September 5, 2024

Back to .500

The Red Sox lost again last night and they are now back to .500. They are also now 5½ games out of the wildcard, tied with the Tigers.

They keep losing and it's looking more & more like September 29th will be their last game of the 2024 season.

Then again, maybe they'll suddenly remember how to play good baseball and go on a 10 game winning streak. Stranger things have happened...

They are off tonight while they return to Boston where tomorrow they will start a three-game series against the White Sox.

Speaking of going down...

Not sure why it decided to drop today. Maybe Powell gave a speech somewhere.

One of my neighbors are democrats. I know they are democrats because they always have political signs in their front yard shilling for any democrat that is running for office.

They currently have a "Harris - Walz" sing in their front yard.

But none of that means they don't have a sense of humor.

They also have this sign in their front yard.

Cammy is their dog. Cammy is a good girl. I'm voting for Cammy.

Here are today's links:

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