Monday, September 16, 2024

Trump continues the search

Trump is continuing to search for his sanity and he still hasn't found it.

He has not, however, lost his arrogance.

In this post from his truthisms thingee, I pretty sure he's complaining that he lost the debate because it was rigged but then claims he won the debate because he is an extraordinary genius

This guy keeps helping me relive my childhood.

No Red Sox baseball.

No Patriots football but I might watch a little of the Falcons/Eagles game.

Still no Bruins hockey.

Fortunately I have several dvr's to entertain me this evening.

During my 30 year career in information security and risk management at a large Fortune 100 company, I learned a few things.

The statement, "All projects have a cost, a set of deliverables and a timeline. They can be done cheaply, they can be done correctly or they can be done quickly. Pick two..." is true. You cannot have all three.

Safety and security are expensive. No CEO wants to spend a lot of money on either safety or security. Just look at Boeing.

Never trust a member of middle-managment who tells you things are fine. They will tell you everything is great right up until business goes under or they terminate you to save money. Your best gauge of a business' stability is toilet paper. If no one is restocking the toilet paper in the bathrooms, the end is close.

I have no idea what made me type all of that...

Here are some links:

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