Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thank goodness they won

It was looking bad because the Red Sox were down 1-0 until the fourth inning. Then it was tied 1-1 until the seventh inning. Then Rafaela hit a two run homer and put the Red Sox up 3-1.

So the Red Sox won the game 3-1 but I gotta tell you something, they need to start hitting the ball. And I don't mean home runs. They need to get guys on base and move them along until they touch home plate.

Tonight's game is on Fox and it starts at 7:15. I am under the impression that tonight's game caller will be Don "Announcer Boy" Orsillo and the color analyst will be First-Name-A Middle-Name-J Pierzynski. I'm not a fan of Pierzynski but I really enjoy listening to Orsillo call a game.

Looks like Criswell has the start and if he performs like he did last time, the White Sox will have some serious difficulty. He was throwing a no-hitter against the Tigers last Sunday. Then Cora took him out, put Hill in. Hill then proceeded to show us why it's rare to see a 44 year old pitcher in the MLB.

Speaking of Hill, the Red Sox DFAd him yesterday. He gave it a shot and they got several good innings out of him but it looks like he just doesn't have it in him anymore.

Also, it appears that Story is back up with the team and will be starting at short stop this evening. I'll be really curious to see how he plays after being out with a dislocated shoulder since April.

Looks like the busted spaceship made it home safely.

I'm betting the good folks at Boeing are breathing a sigh of relief but I doubt they are clapping each other on the back and shaking each others hands. This Starliner thing has been a fiasco from the start.

It is at least $1.5 billion over budget, it's first test flight was deemed a partial failure and the current test flight experienced failures of thrusters.

If I were the head of NASA, I'm pretty sure I would have the CEO of Boeing sitting in my office explaining to me why I should continue to pay them any money or why I should use their spacecraft.

It's not like Boeing has a great safety record lately...

A young woman from the US went over to Gaza to protest and she got shot in the head. It's all over the news and while I feel bad for her family, I'm torn.

On the one hand, if you decide to go to a foreign country for the sole purpose of expressing your opinion and you choose to do this in the face of armed individuals, it's a good bet you are going to hurt or killed.

On the other hand, when did we stop calling these people "protesters" and start calling them "advocates"?

Sorry but if you want to stay alive, don't poke a bear and don't go to protests were there is a better than 99% chance someone is gonna start shooting

Here are today's links:

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