Thursday, September 12, 2024

There was golf today

We decided that today was going to be a good day for golf and it turned out that we were right.

It is the last day without Big E traffic to contend with, the weather was perfect and we were all healthy. What else do we need to go make fools out of ourselves on a golf course?

We probably won't play again until October simply because the golf course we play at is not far from the fairgrounds and the fair is going on until the end of September.

The Red Sox managed to beat the Orioles last night and take two of the three games in their series.

Tonight starts a four-game series against the New York Aaron Judges.

Unfortunately, tonights game is on Fox and tomorrow's game is on Apple TV.

I will watch the game on Fox but I don't like the announcers. Since Apple TV is one of those streaming services that I refuse to sign up for, you can bet I won't be watching the game on Apple TV.

I may have to do what all the cool kids call, "Sail the Seven Seas"...

We have a leak in one of the pipes in our basement and I have limited/no skills when it comes to working with copper piping. It has been my experience that soldering copper pipe is not as easy as it looks.

We called our heating guys because this is a heating pipe and they came out to look at it.

The guy that showed up said, "Oh. That is not in a good spot. And it is the pipe that goes from the basement to the second floor. This is beyond me."

He set us up with a visit from their master plumber who can look at it, give us an idea of what needs to happen and when they can get to work on it.

Fortunately, it is a very small leak. I'm inclined to call it a very slow drip. So hopefully it all holds together until he can get here to look at it.

Here are some links:

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