Friday, September 6, 2024

No baseball last night

Since there was no baseball last night, I have nothing to complain about.

Oh, wait. I forgot. I do have something to complain about.

Since the Tigers and the Mariners both won last night, they are both now half a game ahead of the Red Sox.

This just keeps getting better and better...

Tonights game against the White Sox is at 7:10 and Pivetta has the start.

For the record, the White Sox have the worst record in all of major league baseball. If they beat the Red Sox, I'm not going to be happy.

As I type this, the good folks at NASA and Boeing are making preparations to bring the Starliner back to earth. They are expecting the spacecraft to undock by using springs to push it away from the ISS and then they will guide it back to a landing in White Sand, NM using the defective thrusters.

The undocking is scheduled to happen at 6:00pm EDT
If this spacecraft makes it back to earth in one piece, Boeing is going to spend the next few months reminding everyone that they were right and NASA is staffed by a bunch of fraidy-cats.

If the spacecraft thrusters fail to orient it correctly and it burns up on re-entry, NASA is probably going to tell Boeing they need to find some other kind of work because their space stuff sucks.

Either way, I'm going to watch it just in case something spectacular happens.

So Disney has this exhibit they call "The Hall of Presidents". In the exhibit is an animatronic figure of each previous president of the United States.

I'm thinking Trump is gonna have a heart attack when he sees his...

I'm going to watch the Boeing spaceship show as well as some baseball.

You can enjoy these links:

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