Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I wasn't going to do it

I said I wasn't going to watch the debate but I couldn't help myself.

I turned it on and my brain seized up almost immediately like one of those wealthy bratty kids from the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willie Wonka). Try as I might, I just couldn't stop watching. It was like a slow-motion car wreck - I couldn't look away.

I enjoyed the, "They're eating dogs! They're eating cats!" rant but my favorite line was this one:

What I took away from that debate is that both candidates are idiots.

Once again, I'm pissed off at both the democrats & the republicans for giving us choices that no one really wants and forcing us to pick the lesser of two evils.

If that is the best candidate that either party can produce, they should be ashamed of themselves. They should apologize and ask for a do-over.

We can put "Dave from Des Moines" or "Pearl from Pittsburgh" in charge for one year while both parties go out and try to find candidates with some form of intelligence, common sense, decency and honor.

In the meantime, I stand by my current choice:

The Red Sox lost 5-3 last night and they are now 4 games out of the wildcard.

I thought Crawford did a fairly good job on the mound but the batters just weren't moving the runners along. And that seems to be a theme with the Red Sox every season. They just can't hit the ball when they need to. There will be one out, runners on 2nd and 3rd and next thing you know, there are three outs and the runners are still standing on 2nd and 3rd.

Tonights game starts at 7:10 and Pivetta has the start.

Today was our monthly meeting of the ROMEO's (Retired Old Men Eating Out) and once again, we spent two hours solving all of the worlds problems.

Maybe we should be in charge...

Anyways, everyone remains in good health. Well, as good as it can be for a bunch of old guys who all had been very active in their youth. Jim has had both knees replaced, BillE and I tend to limp a lot and BillB has a bit of a hunch to his back.

Bottom line is that none of us has recently spent any time in a ER or hospital and, unlike Goofy Joe or Twitchy Mitchy McConnell, we seem to remain capable of holding a conversation without forgetting what we were talking about in mid-sentence.

At least I think we didn't forget what we were talking about... I don't remember...

Enjoy these links:

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