Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Another shortened flight

I scheduled myself for two hours of flight time this morning but the wind decided that was not gonna happen. I managed to get a half hour in before it started gusting to 20kts with most of that as a cross-wind.

I did manage to get out over Amherst and practice an entry into the pattern with a full stop landing. I even managed a second takeoff into the pattern and a second full stop landing.

Oh, and despite the winds, my landings were pretty damned good if I do say so myself.

After that second landing though, I called it a day. I have no intention of bending either myself or one of my cousins planes. I always remind myself that I'm still learning how to do this and I should err on the side of sanity. As my cousin said to me, there is no ego in the cockpit.

I'm hoping to get another hour or so in before the end of the week but watching the weather this evening tells me not to get my hopes up too much.

I'm going to watch as much of the Red Sox game as I can stomach. If they blow another game like they did last night, I'm gonna bust a hemorrhoid.

While I do that, you can click on these links:

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