Monday, July 11, 2016

We're going to hell in a handbasket

I'm not entirely sure what a handbasket is but I think it might look something like this.

I have only one question: "Why is the President of the United States fomenting a race war at the same time he is trying to disarm me?" Does anyone know why he is doing that?

Oh, and by the way Mr.President, yes, the country is as divided as it seems. You started the division back in 2009 when you said, "...the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody..."

That statement spoke volumes. You made it clear what you thought about the police back then and you continue to make it clear every chance you get.

And while you were quick to tell us that the shooting of Michael Brown "...stained the heart of black children.", never once have you said, "You know, that 18 year old gang banging thug probably should have listened to the cop when he was told to stop."

I am not going to go quietly into the night Mr. President. I will defend my family, my friends and that which I have worked for.

And I'm not alone in my position...

That was a good rant. I haven't had one of those in a while.

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