Sunday, July 17, 2016

It's a dry heat.

And that, my friends, is about the dumbest thing someone can say when it's hot out.

There was another attack on police today. This time it was down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Early reports indicate three officers were murdered and three were wounded. We are all hoping that the wounded recover completely and return to their normal lives.

As for the scumbag, douche-nozzle murderer, he was - and don't be shocked by this - a black male under the age of 30.

I don't want to leave you with the idea that this was a terrorist event brought on by a terrorist organization that is being rallied by a charismatic political leader. No sir, I don't want to plant that idea in your head.

I'm just gonna say that if this had happened in the middle-east, that particular organization would be declared a terrorist group and the political leader would be targeted by Air Force drones.

Now I'm not saying we should declare black lives matter a terrorist organization and I'm definitely not saying that the Air Force should target President Obama with a drone. I'm just saying that if this was happening on in the middle east, it's what Obama would do.

Think about it.

Here are some links:

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