Thursday, November 10, 2016

And the riots have begun.

At some point, the hypocrisy that is the left needs to be stifled.

This is a group that supposedly demands free-speech, free-will and freedom to be what you want to be. Unfortunately, they only want you to be free to say what you want say or be what want to be if it's something they approve of.

And kudos for the best description of today's generation goes to Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School who said,
He's right. This generation seems to be hemorrhaging their emotions all over the place.

And that, my friends, is what happens to kids that are raised to never lose. This is what happens to a generation where everyone gets a trophy. This is what happens to a generation that refuses to accept the fact that there are other human beings on this planet and the world does not revolve around them.

When they were young children, they threw hissy fits in the aisle of Toys backwardsR Us until their parents bought them the toy they wanted because their parents didn't want to discipline their precious little angel.

When they were young children, they were told they were special and that no one could ever tell them otherwise and if someone picked on them, they should tell the teacher.

When they were young children, they weren't given rules and guidelines because that meant their parents might have to actually be parents instead of best friends.

Now that they are adults, they are still throwing hissy fits, they are still being told they are special and they certainly don't seem to follow any rules or guidelines.

Maybe it's time for a little discipline.

Maybe it's time for the adults to have their say and get things back under control.

Maybe it's time for our society to take control of itself and knock off this Lord of the Flies shit we seem to have going on now-a-days.

I flew for about an hour and a half today and it was great. The sky was clear, the wind was light and there was very little air traffic.

I took off around 9:30 and there was only one other plane in the area. We stayed in touch with each other so we knew where the other one was and I was able to enjoy the view without any concerns.

A couple more students took off around 10:00 but they headed out of the area so it was just me and the guy in 02V flying around the valley.

During my flight, I made four pattern entries and four landings. Each one was pretty damned good, if I do say so myself and that was the real reason I went flying today.

It's been a while since I practiced my landings and I really don't want to lose that skill.

If you fly, it's kind of important to know how to land. The alternative isn't very pleasant.

Enjoy these links:

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