Monday, November 7, 2016

I like the word "defenestrate"

Defenestrate has two meanings, both of which I think are good.

The first meaning is "To throw someone or something out a window". I have actually told someone, "If you don't stop giving her a hard time, I WILL defenestrate you!"

They looked at me like I was from another planet and then they mumbled "Sorry" to the bartender and left.

The second meaning is "To remove someone for a position of authority."

That is the one I like the best. As far as I'm concerned, we should defenestrate most of our elected officials who have served more than two terms.

Most terms of office last for even numbered years, meaning 2, 4 or 6 years. If you are elected to office, you should be able to accomplish your goals during your first term.

If you are good at what you are doing, you should serve a second term so you can followup on any impacts or alterations to what you accomplished during your first term.

After that, it's time for someone else to step in and you should move on because simply put, after two terms in office, you have no idea what it's like to not be in office. This means you have no idea what it's like to be a civilian and it's time for you to relearn what it's like to find a job and not live off the public teat.

If you are not good at what you do, you will never accomplish what you said you would and there is no need for a second term.

If you have never had to find a job, worry about whether you'll have social security, be concerned that some power-hungry little napoleon is going to change how you choose to live or look at some moron spending your tax dollars on a scheme that has no chance of succeeding then you should be not be allowed to stay in office.

If you have do manage to get yourself elected because you know how to play on peoples desire to be seen as "one of the cool kids", then there should be a mechanism in place for the us adults to defenestrate you.

You might think I'm talking about Obama but I'm not.

I'm talking about Eric Lesser, the manchild who is our current state senator.

This is a kid who got out of college and went to work for Obama where he learned how to politicrat,  bureaucrat and bullshitacrat.

Once he had learned everything he could about being a politician, he came to western Mass with a pocketful of money from the Democratic National Committee and set about getting himself elected to office by having the local democratic party dissuade anyone else from running and then pouring a ton of money into his campaign.

Now he is running for re-election on the premise that he wants to put a high speed rail between Springfield and Hartford.

Let me be the first to point out that the last thing we need around here is a faster way for the gang-bangers to move back and forth between Springfield and Hartford. Besides, how fast can a train run over a 25 mile track with a stop every 3 miles?

I think it's time for Young Mr. Lesser to spend a few years learning what it's like to work for a living.

Enough political whining.

Here are some links:

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