Sunday, November 20, 2016

Another good day

So the Small Emergency Backup Dog has overcome the stress and anxiety that comes with being put into a crate and flown halfway across the country and she is napping in my lap.

Oh, the Large Main Dog is also napping in my lap.

It's what they do - cut off the circulation in my legs.

My eldest called me today to chat about not electrocuting himself, which is always a good thing to chat about.

He is replacing one of his light switches with a WiFi controlled switch so he can turn his lights on when he's not home. I'd like to do that as well but my light switches are all double-throw switches and I've yet to find a wWiFi controlled double throw switch.

So anyways, after explaining why he should make sure the load wires are either black or red and the difference between a neutral and a ground, he felt competent enough to go ahead and give it a try. I instructed him to text me this evening so I knew he was still vertical and taking nourishment.

As for the two women in my life, one of them spent the morning sleeping and then they both headed out to a craft fair over in West Springfield.

I suspect they will return with some crafty-things and ideas for creating future crafty-things.

Here are a few links for you to enjoy:

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