Monday, July 22, 2019

Busy day today.

Work was work today. I had a lot to do and I managed to get it all done. There are some additional tasks I want to finish up tomorrow but the heavy lifting is done.

At some point in my future I am going to wake up and say, "That's enough". That is when I will retire. Until then, I'm really glad I got my butt out of the corporate world.

Don't misunderstand, I have no objections to the 30 years I spent working at a Fortune 100 company. My wife and I were able to raise three children in a nice home, put them all through college and still build a nice retirement nest egg.

But I like working at the college far more than I ever enjoyed the cubicle farm.

I found out today two things today that make me smile:
  1. There is a possibility that Quintin Tarantino may direct the next Star Trek movie. He says it will be a space gangster movie in the style of Pulp Fiction.

  2. Tom Hanks has the lead role in a movie about the life of Fred Rogers.
I'm looking forward to seeing those two movies.

The Red Sox are down in Tampa to play a three game series against the Rays.

The way they've been playing lately, I'll be happy if they win just one of those games.

While I spend most of my evening watching them play, you can spend a few minutes clicking on these:

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